How much does Tree Removal Cost?
Tree Removal costs vary from job to job, unless working off hourly rates with a fixed budget agreed upon with the contractor. Hourly rates can suit certain jobs, such as large tree pruning, multiple tree pruning or habitat tree removals.
For fixed quotations, different companies have different ways of quoting their work, but here at Tree Range Arborists we look at these factors:
- Hours/Days required to complete the task
- Crew Size and speciality/experience level of staff
- Machinery Required.
- If any Sub-contractors are involved (Crane Companies etc)
Prices can quickly add up on large jobs, particularly when using legitimate tree companies as the business expenses are extremely high in this dangerous industry. In order to run a sustainable business that can continue to serve you and your friends/families in the future, successful companies must:
- Pay Income Tax, Payroll Tax and GST Tax, Employee tax and Super annuation.
- Pay their Insurance for Work Cover, Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, Motor Vehicle Insurance, Plant and Equipment Insurance.
- Continually service and maintain vehicles and machinery.
- Keep up with rising prices for industry related consumables, along with accounting and administration services required for a smooth operation.
- Invest in marketing – so clients can choose which company to employ.
- Employ an administration team to ensure clients receive the best service attainable.
- Pay their hard working, qualified, and experienced staff fairly and appropriately to reduce the turn around of staff and ensure clients always get a tightly knit team on their properties.
Unfortunately in Australia, the Arboriculture industry is not regulated – so it’s entirely up to the business owners to decide to cover these expenses and compete against other companies that do not cover these same expenses. This is why the job can vary so much in price between companies.
Our advice is when shopping around for the right company to do your work, home owners should be wary of suspiciously cheap or unprofessional seeming quotes. It is important to consider whether or not these companies are running as legitimately as can be, conducting a ‘fair work’ environment, ensuring safety for those involved on the job site, keeping insurances and machinery up to scratch and that qualified professionals are entrusted at your property.
The best way to get an accurate price of your works by a professional company is to arrange an your FREE onsite quote with one of our experts.
Based in Eastern Melbourne, we offer all general tree services such as removal, pruning, mulching and assessment at a cost effective rate. We pride ourselves in safety and ensuring that all works are completed to the highest standard. In addition, we also offer specialised services of large tree pruning and/or removals, dangerous tree removal and difficult access jobs.
Call 1800 870 468 or complete the form below to arrange your FREE onsite quotation with one of our experts. We guarantee you will hear from us within ONE business day!
For any emergencies or immediate support please call 1800 870 468
Tree Range does the arborist work that others cannot do, to a standard others cannot deliver. We proudly lead the way in the Arboricultural industry standards, setting the benchmark for skillset and ability amongst our teams of climbing arborists whilst delivering the high-quality work that our clients deserve.
We are a sophisticated team of technical climbing arborists; between our supportive office team, consulting Arborists and productive crew staff we provide the highest quality tree service attainable in Victoria.
Our services are client-focused, safety-focused, and timeframe focused, ensuring your work is carefully completed within any given deadlines.
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Safety Focused
Our priority is the safety of our staff and your property.

Quality Assured
All of our jobs are completed to the highest standard.

Environmentally Conscious
We strive to keep our carbon footprint as minimal as possible.

We recycle our industry by-products wherever possible and ensure our practices are as sustainable as possible.